Take Action! Korea Set To Legalize Dog/Cat Consumption
Korea Set To Legalize Dog/Cat Consumption
From Kinship Circle
The Ministry of Environment plans to categorize dogs as livestock to regulate the sanitation practices of large-scale dog breeders. There are about 720,000 dog farms, raising some 2.3 million dogs as of Dec. 2005.
Korean President Mr. Lee Myung-bak
1 Cheongwadae-ro; Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea
email: webmaster@president.go.kr, foreign@president.go.kr
Prime Minister Mr. Han Seung-soo
Central Government Complex, 55 Sejong-no, Jongno-gu
Seoul, Korea 110-760
email: webmaster@pmo.go.kr, M_opm@opm.go.kr, m-opm@opm.go.kr
Ministry of Culture, Sports And Tourism Republic of Korea
110-703, 42,Sejongno, Jongno-gu; Seoul, Korea
email: help@mct.go.kr, webmaster@www.mct.go.kr
web mail: http://www.mct.go.kr/english/contactus/contactus.jsp
Ministry of Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Government Complex Gwacheon, Jungang-dong 1
Gwacheon, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
email: minister@maf.go.kr, wmaster@mifaff.go.kr, afec@assembly.go.kr
Ministry of Environment
Government Complex Gwacheon 1 Joongang-dong
Gwacheon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 427-729 Korea
email: minister@me.go.kr
Ministry for Health, Welfare and Family Affairs
75 Yulgong-ro, Jongno-gu; Seoul, Korea 110-793
email: wmaster@mohw.go.kr
Supreme Public Prosecutor's Office
1730-1 Seocho3-dong, Seocho-gu; Seoul, South Korea 137-730
email: webmaster@sppo.go.kr, spoweb@sppo.go.kr
Korea Food And Drug Administration
194 Tongilro, Eunpyeong-gu; Seoul, 122-704, Republic of Korea
email: leeys@kfda.go.kr, m_kfda@kfda.go.kr
Seoul Regional Food Surveillance Division
email: fsb1234@kfda.go.kr
Mayor of Seoul Mr. Oh Se-hoon
Deoksugung-gil 15, Jung-gu; Seoul 100-110, Republic of Korea
email: ohsehoon@seoul.go.kr, english@www.metro.seoul.kr
His Excellency Mr. Lee Tae-sik
Embassy of the Republic of Korea in the USA
2450 Massachusetts Avenue N.W.; Washington DC 20008
email: information_usa@mofat.go.kr, consular_usa@mofat.go.kr
His Excellency Mr. Chun Yung-woo
South Korean Embassy in the UK
60 Buckingham Gate; London, SW1E 6AJ
email: koreanembinuk@mofat.go.kr
SAMPLE LETTER. This letter is prepared to inform you about the issue. Write a personal letter using these talking points.
Honorable Officials of the Republic of Korea:
I respectfully ask the Korean government to not amend the Animal Protection Law of 1991 to classify some dog breeds as livestock and others as companions.
The distinction between "pet animals" and food-source animals merely allows
the consumptive use of certain dogs and cats. Those bred as family companions are protected, while other dogs and cats -- if purposefully raised for food or medicine -- are not.
This draft law undoes humane policies established in 1991. In fact, it allows any animal abuser to bypass punishment by simply claiming the abused dog or cat was intended for meat or medicine.
This law turns a blind eye on the cruelty inherent in the dog/cat consumption trade: Prolonged beatings, dismemberment, hangings, live boiling, and more brutal "customs" thought to enhance flavor and potency.
Moreover, if Korea enacts this amendment, it becomes the only nation to openly permit the slaughter of dogs and cats for human ingestion. I urge Korean officials to cease all efforts to legalize this vile trade. Taiwan, Thailand and the Philippines have banned dog meat. Most Koreans do not consume dogs and cats. Why does Korea continue to sacrifice its integrity and global image to appease a minority interest?
Please enforce animal protection laws that afford ALL dogs and cats immunity
under "pet animals." Please explicitly outlaw the killing of any of these animals for food or medicine.
At January 22, 2009 at 11:25 AM ,
DAPHNE D. said...
South Korea Legislation Amendment
Dogs to be reclassified as livestock
There has been a lot of activity recently about the city of Seoul’s proposal to reclassify dogs as “livestock”, thereby legitimising their slaughter as “meat animals”, despite the fact that South Korea currently outlaws the sale of dog meat.
Animals Asia has received pleas from many of our supporters and requests from the Korea Animal Protection Society (KAPS) and other animal welfare groups to lend our support to those in Korea working to prevent this.
Animals Asia fully endorses their activities and protests against this legislation, which would set back by years, the progress of all animal welfare groups in Asia working to take companion animals out of the food chain.
With this in mind, we have recently sent two separate letters in support of KAPS to the Mayor of Seoul and to the President of South Korea, strongly protesting this huge backward step and stressing its potential damage to the welfare of companion animals across Asia.
Below is the text of one of our letters – if you would like to support KAPS in this campaign please copy and forward it to:
Mayor of Seoul Mr Oh Se-hoon
Email: ohsehoon@seoul.go.kr
Address: Euljiro1, Jung-gu, Seoul, 100-744, Korea
Korean President Mr Lee Myung-bak
Email: webmaster@president.go.kr
Address: 1 Cheongwadae-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea
If you would like to offer direct help on this issue, please contact the following animal welfare groups:
Korean Animal Protection Society
1593-19 Daemyung 10-dong
Nam-gu, Daegu City, South Korea
Tel: 82-53-622-3588 Fax: 82-53-656-3587
E-mail: kaps0127@hanafos.com
Website: http://www.koreananimals.net/ or http://www.koreananimals.or.kr/
Attn: Sunnan
Coexistence of Animal Rights on Earth (CARE)
Email: kyeowoolmom@hanmail.net
Website: http://www.fromcare.org
Attn: Ms Park So-Yeon, President
Korea Association for Animal Protection (KAAP)
Email: lwb22028@hanmail.net
Website: www.kaap.or.kr
Attn: Mr Lee Won-bok, President
On behalf of these groups and companion animals across Asia, thank you for your help.
1 May 2008
President Mr Lee Myung-bak
1 Chongwadae-ro
Dear President Lee
Animals Asia Foundation is an animal welfare organisation working to restore respect to all animals across Asia. One of our programmes is Friends…..or Food? through which we work on the ground in China to eradicate the use of dogs and cats as “meat” animals.
As such, we are extremely disturbed by the proposal of the Municipality of Seoul released in the Dog Meat Hygiene Management Policy, to list dogs as livestock. As supporters of the Korean Animal Protection Society (KAPS) and the Korea Association for Animal Protection (KAAP), we fully support and endorse their campaign to protest this legislation.
Listing dogs as livestock for human consumption under the Korean national legislation, would make Korea the first country in the world to legalise dog meat, and would also make Korea’s President the first national leader in the world to permit dogs to be used “as food for human consumption”.
Animals Asia believes that to advocate or legislate the slaughter of dogs for consumption would legitimise the practice and undermine the great work of countries like Taiwan, the Philippines, Thailand and Hong Kong that have already outlawed the practice of dog eating. In China, we are seeing a groundswell of change with an increase in pet ownership, and a huge increase in awareness of dogs as companion animals, not livestock.
Animals Asia strongly urges your government to prevent the legalisation of dog eating in your national laws and to prohibit the consumption of dog meat as soon as possible.
Yours sincerely
Jill Robinson, MBE
Founder & CEO
Animals Asia Foundation
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