Help Pass Historic Bill to End Seal Hunt- Help us collect 200,000 letters before April!

A miracle on ice, the birthing grounds of hundreds of thousands of baby seals will turn red with the cruel slaughter of Canada's commercial seal hunt in just a few short weeks. Seals as young as three weeks old will be clubbed and beaten. Others will be shot in open water ... many will suffocate under the ice or even be skinned alive. But for the first time in our history, a Canadian politician is proposing a law to end this suffering of baby seals. Tell Canada you support the Harb Seal Bill to end Canada's commercial seal hunt.Each year, IFAW travels to the ice to document the cruelty inherent in this hunt. I've seen baby seals dragged onto boats with metal hooks while alive. Seals left alone to die on the ice after they are bludgeoned on the head. Suffering you and I could not prevent because the law prevents us from intervening.Until now. The Harb Seal Bill would end this hunt.Senator Harb has shown incredible leadership and courage by speaking out on behalf of the majority of Canadians on this issue. But he cannot win this fight on his own.You and I must act quickly to ensure this bill is passed into law. Senator Harb wants to fill his office from floor to ceiling with messages of support for the Harb Seal Bill. Our goal is to collect over 200,000 emails, action cards and letters in the next few weeks (one message for every seal that will be killed in this year's slaughter) - so I'm counting on you to act right now.Let's flood the Senator's and Canadian Embassy inboxes with messages. This is our chance to ensure no more baby seals are skinned alive or shot and left to suffer. Please also consider a donation at this time to help us pass this historic legislation.The world is watching.Sincerely,
Fred O'ReganIFAW President
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