Fur Free Friday this year is promising to be a chain of exciting events worldwide against the bloody fur trade.
Fur Free Friday ( is
almost here and activists everywhere are hunkering down to
finalize their plans for the most prolific Fur Free Friday yet!
In fact, this year, events
( are taking
place in over 75 cities on every continent besides Antarctica!
Hopefully there is an event close enough for you to participate.
If not, you can still help fur-bearing animals by asking to stop selling fur today!
Every year, over 50 million animals are brutally killed and
skinned to make fur products. While many companies have pledged
to go fur-free, other popular companies, such as,
continue to cause and profit from animal suffering.
FFF has now become Worldwide Fur Free Friday.
On this blessed day, more than 30 countries will be protesting and bringing about information on the horrific pain and agony inflicted up on fur bearing animals all over the world.
We invite you to speak out for the innocent souls which never experience a day of kindness in their lives until they meet with brutal deaths so uncaring people may wear their fur.
Fur bearing animals desperately need your voice.
Come, join us!