Take the Challenge with Cat Cora to Stop Canada's Cruel Seal Hunt

Not long ago, I was at the Sundance Film festival celebrating the campaign to protect seals from Canada's commercial seal slaughter. We watched Nigel Barker's beautiful and heartbreaking documentary and dined on a special meal I created. I was thrilled to become one of the many celebrities who've pledged to boycott Canadian seafood until Canada ends the commercial hunt.But now I'm saddened by the knowledge that before the end of the month, fishermen will again invade the harp seal nursery and club or shoot to death every harp seal pup they can find. I can't stand by and watch this happen, year after year.
I was honored to receive an award for the work I've done for seals.
That's why I'm issuing a challenge to you to sign the pledge to boycott Canadian seafood. After you've signed, please ask your friends, family, and coworkers to sign it as well. The person who gathers the most signatures will win a trip to New York City to meet with me -- plus a seal pup photograph taken by Nigel Barker. Ten runners-up will receive prizes, too. Read all of the details and contest rules here.The Canadian seafood boycott is the best tactic we have to pressure Canada's East Coast fisherman to end the hunt.Please take my challenge today so that together we can stop this senseless cruelty!