July 14, 2009
The World Will Speak Up For The Dogs And Cats Of Korea
The International Day of Action for Dogs and Cats in Korea is July 14. In Defense of Animals (IDA) will again be co-sponsoring this worldwide event to stop the terrible suffering these animals endure.
Demos and other events are scheduled in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Washington DC, Seattle, New York, Asheville, North Carolina, Ireland, Peru, Bolivia, and South Korea. If you can help organize an event in your city or town, please contact Hope, IDA's Grassroots Field Organizer, at
hope@idausa.org or 415-448-0048 x. 211.
Click here or scroll down for information about any of the currently scheduled events.And click here for more information about dogs and cats in Korea.Background: IDA continues to work with the South Korean animal protection organization Coexistence for Animal Rights on Earth (CARE) to end the brutal slaughter of dogs and cats for human consumption. Forced to live in tiny, filthy cages and killed in unimaginably cruel ways, they deserve a voice.
Two million South Korean dogs are electrocuted, strangled, or bludgeoned to death each year. They are killed in the cruelest ways imaginable, because some Koreans believe the adrenaline that rushes through the animal's system pre-slaughter will improve virility in the consumer.
Eyewitnesses have reported dogs being torn apart while still alive, their tormentors saying that the more prolonged the torment of death, the better the taste. This attitude toward any living being is deplorable.
Building coalitions around the world, IDA is creating the network needed to put pressure on the government of the Republic of Korea to end this tragic practice.
(Important note - all references herein to "Korea" are to the Republic of Korea, or South Korea. The problems for dogs and cats are probably at least as bad in North Korea, but we do not have activists in North Korea with whom to partner. If you have information concerning activists in North Korea working to improve the lives of animals, please
let us know.)
On July 14, IDA intends to have activists posted at the Korean Embassy in Washington D.C. and as many Korean Consulates and Embassies around the world as possible. There are Korean Consulates in New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, Seattle, Atlanta, Houston, Honolulu, and Newton, Massachusetts. If you would like to help coordinate a demonstration in any of these cities, or wherever you live, please contact
Hope@idausa.org or (415) 448-0048 ex. 211. We will provide you with all the materials you need such as posters and brochures to have a successful and effective protest.
If you have already planned an event, please register your event here so you can connect with other activists in your area.
For more information about the plight of dogs and cats in the Republic of Korea, scroll to the bottom of this message, and
visit our website.
Demonstrations already scheduled for July 14:
Korean Embassy in New York460 Park Ave. (at 57th St.) New York, New York4 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.contact: Garo - Companion Animals Network
garo@companionanimalnetworktv.org (718) 544-7387 (PETS)
Korean Embassy in San Francisco3500 Clay St. San Francisco, California11 a.m. - 12 nooncontact:
Hope@idausa.org (415) 448-0043 ex. 211
Korean Embassy in Los Angeles3243 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, California11 a.m. - 12 nooncontact:
Bill@idausa.org (310) 301-7730
Korean Embassy in Washington D.C.2320 Massachusetts Ave.Washington, D.C. 11 a.m. - 12 nooncontact:
Annie@idausa.org (757) 374-8112
Korean Embassy in Seattle, Washington2033 Sixth Ave. #1125Seattle, Washington, 9812111 a.m. - 12 nooncontact: Sandy Clinton
numptyland@yahoo.com (206) 618-4930
Korean Embassy in Newton, MassachusettsOne Gateway CenterNewton, MA. 02458TIME TBAcontact: Laura Ray
laurasunray@hotmail.com (617) 512-3468
Korean Embassy in Honolulu, Hawaii2756 Pali Hwy. Honolulu, HI.12 - 2 p.m.contact: Lauren Luis
lauren_luis@yahoo.comPack Park, Asheville, North Carolina(corner of Patton & Bilymore Ave.)11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. contact: Justine Mayela
justinemayela@gmail.com (352) 317-2080
Korean Embassay in Atlanta, Georgia229 Peachtree Street Suite 500International Tower Atlanta, GAlocation and time TBAcontact: Amy Ryan
ajillryan@yahoo.com 404-438-1610
Embassy to The Republic of Korea in Dublin, Ireland15 Clyde Rd. Ballsbridge, Dublin 4,Ireland 12:30 - 2:30 p.m. Contact: Laura Broxson, Campaign Organizer / Press Officer, National Animal Rights Association
naracampaigns@gmail.com 086-8729-444
Seoul, South Korealocation and time TBAcontact: Yuni, Korean Animal Rights Advocates
yunismart@hanmail.net 010-3459-7797
Cochabamba, Bolivia Location and time TBAContact: Liliana Tellez Flor- Association for Defense of Animal Rights
carlosfcgcunha@gmail.comLima, Perulocation and time TBAContact: Viviana
apdaperu@gmail.com(511) 436-1487
What ELSE You Can Do:
Send letters, fax, e-mail to:Ambassador Duk-soo HanEmbassy of the Republic of Korea2320 Massachusetts Ave. NWWashington, D.C. 20008 (202) 939-5600 fax (202) 797-0595e-mail:
korinfo@koreaemb.orgMore Information About Dogs And Cats In South Korea
The practice of eating dogs is not widely accepted in Korea. It gained popularity after the Korean War due to widespread starvation. The practice continues to thrive with the aid of greedy restaurateurs, meat dealers, and butchers.
Many Koreans love dogs and keep dogs as companions. However, we must take action to stop the small contingent of people who blithely ignore the law and continue to abuse these innocent beings to make money.
It is unacceptable that dogs and cats should be kept in filthy crates, forced to watch one another be bludgeoned to death. It is illegal in Korea and it is the Korean government’s responsibility to ensure that anyone who breaks their laws be strictly punished.